Pastor Michael was born and lived in England for 10 years. He also lived in Barbados for 12 years (1969-1981), East Texas for over 13 years (1986 – 1999) and New York City. Personally, he is committed to equipping Christians to live out their faith vibrantly in contemporary contexts (Ephesians 1:17-18, 2:10). He became the English pastor of CEMCQ in March 2018 after leading Fellowship Bible Church in Cambria Heights for 10 years.
Pastor Mike graduated from Texas A&M University-Commerce in 1990 with a BBA in Accounting and Bethel University & Seminary of the East in 2007 with a Master of Divinity.
Since 2016, he has been happily married to Mirna Sambula- Herbert, LCSW, a certified bilingual school social worker and who is of Honduran descent. He is the proud father of Rebecca Herbert, Jeremy Herbert, Zuriel Herbert and Zimran Asher Herbert, born on January 06, 2025. In his spare time he is an avid cyclist, fitness enthusiast, reader and loves to cook diverse recipes. Pastor Mike is also the former Dean of New York School of the Bible and serves as the Vice President on the Trustee board of Flushing Christian School in Queens.
Pastor Michael 在英國出生並生活了10年。他也在Barbados (巴巴多斯) 度過了12年(1969年至1981年),在East Texas (東德克薩斯州) 生活了超過13年(1986年至1999年),之後移居紐約市。在個人層面,他致力於裝備基督徒在當代社會中充滿活力地活出他們的信仰(以弗所書1:17-18, 2:10)。在帶領Cambria Heights的Fellowship Bible Church長達10年後,他於2018年3月成為CEMCQ的英文牧師。
Michael 牧師於1990年從Texas A&M University-Commerce獲得工商管理學士學位,並於2007年從Bethel University & Seminary of the East 獲得道學碩士學位。目前,他暫時離開了在Grand Canyon University(亞利桑那州鳳凰城)攻讀Organizational Leadership 組織領導的博士學位。
自2016年以來,他與Mirna Sambula-Herbert,LMSW,一位持有認證的雙語學校社工,並有洪都拉斯血統的妻子,幸福地結合為一。他是Rebecca Herbert, Jeremy Herbert 和 Zuriel Herbert 的驕傲父親,以及一個於2025年01月06日出生的男嬰 Zimran Asher Herbert。在業餘時間,他是一位狂熱的自行車愛好者、健身迷、閱讀者,並熱愛烹飪各種不同的菜餚。Mike 牧師曾是Dean of New York School of the Bible 紐約聖經學校的前任院長,並擔任皇后區法拉盛基督教學校董事會的副主席。