Chinese Evangel Mission Church of Queens was originally a branch of the Chinese Evangel Mission Church in New York, located at 97 Madison Street. Since most of the congregation resided in Queens and Long Island, the church established a church expansion committee to plan for the setup of a new branch.
July 16, 1989 – The committee held its first discussion meeting. Under God's guidance, 15 families began gathering at the Bayside YMCA for worship services, while also renting space from a nearby church for fellowship meetings. Initially, only English worship services were held.
June 1990 – The Queens branch held its official inauguration ceremony at St. George’s Episcopal Church in Flushing.
January 1994 – The Queens branch became fully independent and was officially named the Chinese Evangel Mission Church of Queens.
June 2000 – The church moved to its newly purchased location at 203-10 Rocky Hill Rd, Bayside, NY 11361.
On the same day, nine brothers and sisters in the church started a weekly Chinese Bible study and began holding a monthly Chinese worship service.
January 2001 – By God's grace and provision, attendance continued to grow, leading to the official establishment of the Chinese congregation. The Chinese worship service was then held weekly.
Today, the our church offers Sunday School and fellowship gatherings for all age groups, providing services in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. The current pastors are:
- English Pastor: Rev. Michael Herbert
- Chinese Pastor: Rev. Lennon Yu
- Youth Pastor: Rev. Ben Ing
- 1989年7月16日,委員會召開了首次商討會議。在神的帶領下,15個家庭於Bayside YMCA開展了皇后區分堂的聚會,並租用鄰近教會的場地作為團契聚會之用。分堂初期僅舉行英文崇拜。
- 1990年6月,皇后區堂在法拉盛的聖喬治聖公會教堂(St. George’s Episcopal Church)舉行了成立典禮。
- 1994年1月,皇后區堂正式獨立,命名為「皇后區華人福音會」。
- 2000年6月,教會遷至購置的新堂址:203-10 Rocky Hill Rd, Bayside, NY 11361。
- 同日,教會內的9位弟兄姊妹開始每週中文查經聚會,並每月一次舉行中文崇拜。
- 2001年1月,在主的恩典與供應下,參與人數不斷增加,中文堂正式成立,並將崇拜改為每週舉行。如今,皇后區堂設有各年齡層的主日學和團契聚會,提供英、國和粵語三種語言。
英文牧師:Michael Herbert牧師
青年部牧師:Ben Ing牧師