Mission, Vision and Values

OUR Mission

Our mission is to know Christ and make Christ known to all

Our Vision

  1. We envision being a community-based Church that draws the majority of its congregants from within Bayside and the surrounding area.
  2. We envision being a multigenerational church which draws upon the strengths of all the age groups within our community. 
  3. We envision being a multicultural church which expresses the cultural and ethnic diversity of Bayside and the surrounding areas.
  4. We envision developing leaders of all ages. 
  5. We envision making disciples who make disciples. 
  6. We envision sharing the gospel with the unchurched in our community.

Our Values

  1. We value worship in both corporate & individual settings

  2. We value evangelism/missions i.e. local, national & international - Acts 1:9

  3. We value teaching the entire bible as the basis for how we live & think – Act 2:42

  4. We value fellowship in large & small gatherings – Acts 2:42

  5. We value prayer in all contexts – Acts 2:42

  6. We value being multicultural – Rev. 5:9-10
  7. We value being multigenerational – Titus 2:1-9

使命, 異象與價值




  1. 我們渴望成為一個社區教會,並吸引來自貝賽區和周邊社區的群體。
  2. 我們渴望成為一個多世代的教會,並結合社區內不同年齡層的力量。
  3. 我們渴望成為一個多元文化的教會,能夠表達貝賽和周邊地區的種族和文化多樣性。
  4. 我們渴望培養不同年齡層的領袖
  5. 我們渴望栽培門徒以致他們也能訓練其他門徒。 
  6. 我們渴望與社區中未得之民分享福音。 


  1. 我們重視個人和集體敬拜
  2. 我們重視本地和海外佈道/宣教—使徒行傳1:9
  3. 我們重視教導整本聖經作為生活和思想的基礎—使徒行傳2:42
  4. 我們重視大型或小型的團契聚會—使徒行傳
  5. 我們重視所有情況下的禱告—使徒行傳2:42
  6. 我們重視多元文化—啟示錄5:9-10
  7. 我們重視世代相傳—提多書2:1-9