Our mission is to know Christ and make Christ known to all
Mission, Vision and Values
OUR Mission
Our Vision
- We envision being a community-based Church that draws the majority of its congregants from within Bayside and the surrounding area.
- We envision being a multigenerational church which draws upon the strengths of all the age groups within our community.
- We envision being a multicultural church which expresses the cultural and ethnic diversity of Bayside and the surrounding areas.
- We envision developing leaders of all ages.
- We envision making disciples who make disciples.
- We envision sharing the gospel with the unchurched in our community.
Our Values
We value worship in both corporate & individual settings
We value evangelism/missions i.e. local, national & international - Acts 1:9
We value teaching the entire bible as the basis for how we live & think – Act 2:42
We value fellowship in large & small gatherings – Acts 2:42
We value prayer in all contexts – Acts 2:42
- We value being multicultural – Rev. 5:9-10
- We value being multigenerational – Titus 2:1-9