Mission, Vision and Values

OUR Mission

Our mission is to know Christ and make Christ known to all

Our Vision

  1. We envision being a community-based Church that draws the majority of its congregants from within Bayside and the surrounding area.
  2. We envision being a multigenerational church which draws upon the strengths of all the age groups within our community. 
  3. We envision being a multicultural church which expresses the cultural and ethnic diversity of Bayside and the surrounding areas.
  4. We envision developing leaders of all ages. 
  5. We envision making disciples who make disciples. 
  6. We envision sharing the gospel with the unchurched in our community.

Our Values

  1. We value worship in both corporate & individual settings

  2. We value evangelism/missions i.e. local, national & international - Acts 1:9

  3. We value teaching the entire bible as the basis for how we live & think – Act 2:42

  4. We value fellowship in large & small gatherings – Acts 2:42

  5. We value prayer in all contexts – Acts 2:42

  6. We value being multicultural – Rev. 5:9-10
  7. We value being multigenerational – Titus 2:1-9

What We Believe

1. The Bible, consisting of sixty-six books, is the inspired and unerring word of God. It is man’s authoritative and sufficient guide in all matters of faith and practice. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)


2. God is triune. He is one absolute and eternal God, existing in three Persons eternally as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each of whom is equal in power and glory.


3. Christ was born of the Virgin Mary through the work of the Holy Spirit and therefore has complete divine and complete human nature. Although tempted in the flesh, He was without sin in both nature and conduct. He died on the cross, was buried, rose from the dead on the third day, and ascended into heaven where He is enthroned and is making intercession for the believer.


4. The Holy Spirit is a divine Person in the Trinity. His work is to convict the world of sin, to reveal the truths of Christ to man, and to guide, sanctify and comfort the believer. (Acts 2:33)


5. Man was created by God according to His own image. God’s purpose was to have a harmonious and peaceful fellowship with man, but because man’s first ancestor yielded to the temptation of Satan and committed sin, all men became depraved in nature. There is no sufficient salvation, therefore, apart from the divine salvation of Christ.


6. Salvation is by the grace of God through faith in Christ. Such grace is fully revealed and freely offered in the substitutionary death of Christ on the cross. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, such faith is voluntarily expressed by the direct approach of the individual soul to Christ in repentance and trust.


7. The Church is the body of Christ and organized by His believers for worship, observance of the ordinances, and the spread of the Gospel throughout the world. Its officers, consisting of pastors, elders ,deacons, and other church members are all equal in rank and privilege under the headship and authority of Christ. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the two ordinances of the church, both of which are symbolic expressions of the message of salvation.


8. In Last DaysChrist will come again in glory and power to judge and to reign. There will be resurrection and judgment for both the righteous and the wicked. The righteous will enter into eternal joy and the wicked will be condemned to eternal punishment.

9. MarriageGod in creating the world, created humanity in His image, as male and female, gave marriage to be the lifelong union of one man and one woman (Gen 2:24; Matt 19:4-6), a gift to be held in honor and kept pure (Heb 13:4; 1 Thess 4:2-5).  Marriage between one man and one woman for life uniquely reflects Christ's relationship with His Church (Eph 5:21-33)

Meet The Staff

Pastor of English Congregation

Rev. Michael Herbert

Pastor Michael was born and lived in England for 10 years. He also lived in Barbados for 12 years (1969-1981), East Texas for over 13 years (1986 – 1999) and New York City. Personally, he is committed to equipping Christians to live out their faith vibrantly in contemporary contexts (Ephesians 1:17-18, 2:10).  He became the English pastor of CEMCQ in March 2018 after leading Fellowship Bible Church in Cambria Heights for 10 years.


Pastor Mike graduated from Texas A&M University-Commerce in 1990 with a BBA in Accounting and Bethel University & Seminary of the East in 2007 with a Master of Divinity.     


Since 2016, he has been happily married to Mirna Sambula- Herbert, LCSW, a certified bilingual school social worker and who is of Honduran descent.  He is the proud father of Rebecca Herbert, Jeremy Herbert, Zuriel Herbert and Zimran Asher Herbert, born on January 06, 2025. In his spare time he is an avid cyclist, fitness enthusiast, reader and loves to cook diverse recipes.  Pastor Mike is also the former Dean of New York School of the Bible and serves as the Vice President on the Trustee board of Flushing Christian School in Queens.

He can be reached at michael.herbert@cemcq.org

Pastor of Chinese Congregation

Rev. Lennon Yu

Pastor Lennon Yu  (余智麟牧師) was born and raised in Hong Kong and immigrated to New York in 2001. His vision is "Gospel-centered, mission-driven"; he hopes that believers could take root in the Lord through the Word of God and equip life with the gospel as the center; And also become a missionary for their family, friends, neighbors, and the community. He joined CEMCQ and became the pastor of Chinese Congregation in September 2021 and ordinated in March 2023.

Pastor Lennon graduated in 2017 with a BA in Psychology and a program, equivalent of an MDiv in urban ministry, that collaborated with Reformed Theological Seminary and Redeemer City to City in 2021 with a Master of Art Biblical Studies and City Ministry Program certificate.

He married to his wife, Liu Jiayi, in 2018 and has two daughters. The elder daughter, Abigail, derives her name from the Old Testament of the Bible, where she is described as a "clever and beautiful woman." The younger daughter, Sophia, has a Greek name symbolizing wisdom, knowledge, and insight. He enjoys reading and studying films in his free time. 

He can be reached at: lennon.yu@cemcq.org

Assistant Pastor for Youth & Young Adults

Rev. Ben Ing

After serving the NYPD as a Transit Police Officer for about two years, Ben sensed God's call to resign and enroll in the Alliance Theological Seminary as a full time student. 

Shortly after graduating ATS in 2004 he was installed as the English Ministry Pastor of the New York Chinese Baptist Church where he served for 13.5 years. During those years of ministry he was ordained with the American Baptist Churches USA and was also married to his wife Mary. Together they are learning to shepherd their three children Sarah (16), Joshua (14), and Noah (10) in Christ honoring ways. 

After three years of pastoring in Chinese for Christ NY Church (Flushing, Queens) Ben answered the call to serve the homeless population of NYC with Bowery Residents' Committee which he did for almost two years before following God's leading to serve in his current role as an Assistant Pastor with CEMCQ.

He can reached at:  adam.benny.ing@cemcq.org

Office Administrator
Nora Eng

Nora Eng was born and raised in NYC Chinatown.  She accepted Christ into her heart and was baptized at age 16 while attending Grace Faith Church in Chinatown.

Over the years, she has attended many bible conferences, participated in bible studies and taught Sunday school.  She has been a member of CEMCQ since 2006 and has been serving as the church office administrator since 2013. She is the mother of two grown children; a daughter, Nicole, and a son, Vincent.  She enjoys playing tennis, is an avid reader and likes to get together with friends  and family. 

She can be reached at office.admin@cemcq.org