1. The Bible, consisting of sixty-six books, is the inspired
and unerring word of God. It is man’s authoritative and sufficient guide in all
matters of faith and practice. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
2. God is triune. He is one absolute and
eternal God, existing in three Persons eternally as Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit, each of whom is equal in power and glory.
3. Christ was born of the Virgin Mary through the work of
the Holy Spirit and therefore has complete divine and complete human nature.
Although tempted in the flesh, He was without sin in both nature and conduct.
He died on the cross, was buried, rose from the dead on the third day, and
ascended into heaven where He is enthroned and is making intercession for the
4. The Holy Spirit is a divine Person in the Trinity. His
work is to convict the world of sin, to reveal the truths of Christ to man, and
to guide, sanctify and comfort the believer. (Acts 2:33)
5. Man was created by God according to His own image. God’s
purpose was to have a harmonious and peaceful fellowship with man, but because
man’s first ancestor yielded to the temptation of Satan and committed sin, all
men became depraved in nature. There is no sufficient salvation, therefore,
apart from the divine salvation of Christ.
6. Salvation is by the grace of God through faith in Christ.
Such grace is fully revealed and freely offered in the substitutionary death of
Christ on the cross. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, such faith is
voluntarily expressed by the direct approach of the individual soul to Christ
in repentance and trust.
7. The Church is the body of Christ and organized by His
believers for worship, observance of the ordinances, and the spread of the
Gospel throughout the world. Its officers, consisting of pastors, elders
,deacons, and other church members are all equal in rank and privilege under
the headship and authority of Christ. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the two
ordinances of the church, both of which are symbolic expressions of the message
of salvation.
8. In Last Days, Christ will come again in glory and power to judge and to
reign. There will be resurrection and judgment for both the righteous and the
wicked. The righteous will enter into eternal joy and the wicked will be
condemned to eternal punishment.
9. Marriage, God in creating the world, created humanity in His image, as male and female, gave marriage to be the lifelong union of one man and one woman (Gen 2:24; Matt 19:4-6), a gift to be held in honor and kept pure (Heb 13:4; 1 Thess 4:2-5). Marriage between one man and one woman for life uniquely reflects Christ's relationship with His Church (Eph 5:21-33)